Unlock the Power
of You

Carol Stringham has been a life coach for over twenty-five years. She has worked with small business owners, as well as men and women looking to live a more abundant, prosperous life.


“Let’s face it, it is difficult to see where your stuck patterns are, and work them through by yourself.” - Carol Stringham

It’s like having a birdcage in your head that you have inadvertently placed there, only being able to seeing out between the slats. We are all deserving of freeing ourselves from these cages and having the support to help us with this.


You are not in this alone!

Carol will meet with you in personalized one- on-one fifty-minute sessions and you will mutually develop promises that flow from your deepest self. Together we will help you actively expand your perception and clarity about yourself and create purposeful actions while increasing your esteem and tools for success. Carol draws from her wealth of prosperity experiences and draw out your barriers to living an abundant life.


About Carol Stringham

Carol Stringham is a Certified Prosperity Teacher and Life Practitioner who is invested in the powerful mentoring programs of Toni Stone, Michael Mirdad, Edwene Gaines, and Bobbi Courtney. She is a co- author in the book, Unlock the Power of YOU, writing on the “Power of Clarity and Focus.” Carol has 30 years of experience leading women’s transformative groups, as well as Experiential Prosperity Programs including The Seasons and Cycles of Prospering. Carol draws from her own life experiences, wisdom, and intuition to guide clients through barriers and move forward with greater success and fulfillment in their lives.


What Others Are Saying About Carol:


I look forward to any programs you run…for the lessons and group teachings. You have a special “light”.

— Stacia


Thank you always for being you-an authentic, reliable person in all our lives…most of all for the thoughtful meaning you put into our lives.

— Laura

“I remember when I shuffled my schedule with an infant and toddler in order to attend my first workshop. Life changing…thank you form the bottom of my heart.”

— Jane


Thank you for your heart and soul, which shines so much sunshine on others...I see how your love reaches out to others… always a step ladder to help those who want to reach a little higher, to be a better version of themselves.
