How I Found My True North

After crossing many barriers, I am now the founder of Cycles for Transformation, which provides services and programs that support Men and Women who have become disconnected from their creative force. I help people who are struggling and dissatisfied with their current lives to create a new vision for new possibilities and choices. I guide them with a system that opens new perspectives to transform and create the life they desire.

I am passionate about the programs I have developed, because I teach processes that started out with my own personal journey from limitation to empowered clarity. Sometimes we need to change, but we are not aware of it. That was true for me and this is where your True North comes in. There were deeper parts of me trying to talk to me. I know from being a prosperity teacher that we need help to acknowledge and see our inner processes with a new perspective so change can occur. Prosperity imbalances were showing up in my own psyche and this came to a critical point after I got married.

One night I had a powerful dream and I didn’t realize until much later just how telling it was. In the dream, I was running through the community, being careful not to step on any snakes. My singular focus had been to play it safe, so as not to disrupt anything. None-the-less, a snake presented itself and it was absorbed into my chest. This was a such powerful imagery and reflected an impulse for change.

At this time, I feared that there was something missing in our marriage and was trapped in a pattern that was creating discord. A young girl who wanted attention and did not know how to give love was at the core. I was in a small fish bowl and did not know I was in a fish bowl. It was a container of limited thinking and action, created by my own unconscious design. I was actively polluting my marriage by my incessant judging, complaining and keeping score mentality.

I was unhappy and disillusioned as to what I thought life would look like being a married woman. I was now the bread winner, working as an Occupational Therapist in a school that was new to me, living in my husband’s former bachelor pad and had not created a space of my own to show up in. My state of mind was not creating intimacy and good times together which I desperately wanted- instead, I was quickly driving my husband away. I knew deep down that I needed to change. I needed to do my own work.

There was a turning point moment as I let it sink in that I had to figure out a path of change. I had to step into taking responsibility for my own outcomes and happiness and not rely on my husband to for this. On a mini get- away, I caught myself condemning my actions for how I had played the first nine holes of golf. Then it occurred to me prior to playing the back nine holes, that I could make a new choice and shift my mind and heart to receive a different outcome… that it was not too late to make a change.

I got into action to find a mentor who could show me new ways to be and to see the world. I found one who used very radical ways with quirky assignments and numerous accountabilities with incredible tenacity. This mentor used linguistic precision to awake and strip away the unseen patterns and beliefs that were running me. She helped me take responsibility for owning my actions and directing my life with the purpose I was born to be.

It is because of this, I decided shortly thereafter that I would become a full-time student and prosperity practitioner. Through my mentor’s guidance she helped me take responsibility and create a foundation for having a richer more love filled life. Through a committed practice, my mentor helped erode away the parts of me (especially my judgements) that were stifling me. I started out by running women’s groups for 30 years, which has been rich and fulfilling, but I have been strongly guided to bring forth this powerful prosperity work, to both men and women, which feels like my destiny.

The first program I offer is RESHAPE YOUR LIFE… based on the power of your word and being “count-on-able” by showing up and making a stand. To make a change you have to take an action. There is no gray or neutral zone as the power lies in the “no” or the “yes”. It helps to see that when you have made a decision that “doubt” inevitably follows. By seeing it this way, “doubt” can become an ally as it confirms that you have made a decision. These new ways of seeing the world, helped to inspire me to become who I am today, and who I continue to evolve to be.

Once I learned these foundational ways to see and experience the world… my passion became to share it with others. My signature program is a year- long life changing program, Pivot to Prosperity through the Four Seasons. I guide my students through a powerful system of transformation based on the cycles of change that is inherent in all of nature so that a new lifestyle and purpose evolves.

Reflecting back on the snake dream from thirty years ago, I realize now that I have been on a sacred path, on a journey of love and discovery while helping people. This dream was actually pointing to the direction I was to take and it was through my own personal undertakings and transformation that I discovered my True North and passion in this world. It is my purpose to uplift people by giving them tools to create a better world in which we all live. It took discipline and a practice along with support and accountabilities with like-minded people to release the former self and become the forward thinker, self-directed leader and prosperity practitioner that I share with others today.